Palestine-Israel Conflict — — There is no hope without tolerance

Patty Dong
8 min readOct 14, 2017


If you ask me how to describe the Palestine-Israel Conflict in brief, my answer would be that this problem can not be summed up simply because the conflict in this area is too complicated. Then who’s more popular? I think Israel wins support of Israelites, and Palestine is popular with Palestinians.

We know that human history is the history of war and migration, the irreconcilable violent conflicts between Palestine and Israel is because of migration, too. Historically, at least in recorded history, the land of Canaan (Jerusalem) has always been the Jewish spiritual ballast, and this is also understood and recognized by Christianity and Islam. However, Christianity and Islam strongly oppose Jewish people out of the conflict between Judaism and their own doctrines, they believe that Jews betrayed God. The significance of this location caused parties to launch a thousand year fight for Jerusalem. Jews were unable to live in the center of the vortex. Finally they began a thousand years of exile, but they have maintained a very good inheritance during this exile.

The turn of this event came after World War II. On the one hand, after the massive systematic slaughter of Jews by the Nazis, the Christians have a kind of indebtedness generally to the Jews. The Christians thought Jews had suffered enough, so they couldn’t bully Jews further. On the other hand, because there wasn’t a strong sovereign state to maintain the interests of the Jews during World War II, they rethought their former painful experiences and decided to build a Jewish sovereign nation. Finally, Israel was established after the UK handed over the local governance to the Jews along with the independence from being a nation-state after World War II. No matter if religious and political games are behind it, the Israelis’ Jewish Zionism had finally reached its goal.

Photo by Zoriah from Flickr

As a Jewish’s arisen place, Jerusalem is an ideal location for the Jews, then they began to migrate to Jerusalem by design. However, when the Jews returned to their hometown from all over of the world, the native land was already home to the Palestinians for thousands of years. The result can be well imagined; it is the Palestine-Israel Conflict known by us today.

From a simple perspective, the Palestine-Israel Conflict is a contradiction between large population and little resources. For example, Israel has not given up the Golan Heights because it is rich in water resources. There are several rivers that flow into Lake Tiberias. Because 40% of the water used by Israel is from Lake Tiberias, the Golan Heights is called Israel’s reservoir. In the Middle East, where water is more expensive than oil, the value of so much water is too much for Israel, a country with only 2.1% of water coverage. Since ancient times, the human cognition is: land shall not be violated, even if this is a wasteland and barren. In fact, territorial area and international status of a country are not necessarily proportional. For example, Japan has a small territory, but it is highly developed; another similar example is Singapore, it has a small land area and it is highly developed, too. So it doesn’t fit our development of science and technology that in our new world we just link the size of the territory area and prosperity together.

From a more complex perspective, the essence of the Palestine-Israel Conflict is a dispute between the Muslims and the Jews, and religious struggle is a major reason. As the holy city for three religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism), Palestine and Israel will not tolerate Jerusalem belonging to the other side. The Old Testament recorded that Jews were indeed in Jerusalem at the earliest, they believed in Judaism. After the death of Israel, Muslims have been long ruled here and the holy land was changed for Islam. However, the civilization of Muslim country was very developed at that time, it was very tolerant of religions and didn’t uproot other religions, including Catholicism, which stayed in Jerusalem caused by the failed Crusade. Therefore, if we track from the “ancient times”, this matter cannot be clear, everyone is reasonable.

How can we judge the Palestine-Israel Conflict, as a person who is independent of two parties? Shall we fight against Israeli’s continuous self-improvement of the Zionist? Or shall we fight against the generations of Palestinians? In many cases, history has no right or wrong. We cannot simply analyze like “Israeli is Justice” or “Palestinian is justice”, staying away will help to understand who is right.

For the Israeli, Jerusalem is given by the British, recognized by the United Nations, most countries all over the world support it and Israeli did not cause trouble for all these years. From the angle of the Islamic world, first of all, they didn’t do anything wrong and don’t owe to Jews; in addition, Jerusalem is a place where our ancestors lived; finally, the third reason is not needing a reason: How could a king bear the potential of depriving his authority? Why did you commandeer my home by the contract between Christianity and Judaism? So, since the founding of Israel in 1948, the conflict between the two sides has not been interrupted. Weapons continue to be upgraded in a variety of ways. For the Islamic world, Israel is a nail driven into Arabia by the US, this nail restricting all of their possibilities. For Israelis, Jerusalem has been a long cherished wish for thousands of years, where they prefer to die.

Let’s start with Israel. I think there will be a lot of supporters for the Zionist movement, if it is on the big timeline of world history. Unfortunately, they had to put it in such a small time scale of the end of World War II, and they though that the Jews suffered too much during World War II, so the world owes the Jews a safe refuge. No, it’s not the world, but Europe, which owes the Jews a home. It was the Europeans who slaughtered millions of Jews. If this is the reason for the establishment of Israel, then the location should be a place in Germany. Why do Palestinians move? So the question of Israel is not Israel at all, but the people, the Jews. In the Palestine-Israel Conflict, Israel and Palestine are not two countries, but two nations. That is the problem. We can assume that Israel is also a country that the main body is Arabia nation, it will not become a target. Therefore, the Arabia countries are not opposed to “Israel wanting Jerusalem for them”, it is the question of “Why do the Jews chose to stay here? Why do you have to be here?” Thinking from this point, is it difficult to understand why the Arabs are unconvinced? The earth is so big and why do Israelis have to take Jerusalem? In addition, after the Second World War, the United Nations voted to approve the Zionist movement, so Zionism was in conformity with international law, but conforming to international law did not mean it was in conformity with justice. Law is changing, because politics are constantly changing. Especially the place that was allocated to the Jewish at that time did not include a lot of land like they have now. Israel’s fight for the original Muslim countries is absolutely aggressive.

But, one hand alone can’t clap. Many people think that the behavior of the Palestinians was uncalled for, too. The “occupied territories” are rhetoric from Palestinian, but every exchange of peace with land from Israel will make security situations worse, and it is doubtful whether the Palestinians really need peace. Looking at the disorder around world, the problem in land may be just one of their excuses. Without land, they can excuse human rights, they can excuse culture, but they never think to share anything with others. In their dominant place, there is no right of heretics. At school, student didn’t learn that it was right to bomb the bus; people didn’t learn that it was right to kidnap the hostages and people didn’t learn it was right to threaten the airliner. The Palestinians often accused others “regardless of civilian life” when they preyed on innocent and unsuspecting people. They even have a flagrant theory — — because the Israeli armed forces are too strong, they can only choose civilians, which is called “the resistance of the weak”. I do not deny that both Palestinians and Israelis have rights to fight, but the means can’t breakthrough the base line of civilization over and over again.

To be fair, both sides are unpopular. On the one hand, is the invasion by the Jewish, on the other hand, is the counterattack from the Palestinians. In the international community, western countries supported the Palestinians in public opinion, but they supported Israel in practical action. For example, Germany, who has been strict in arms sales, sold submarines to Israel. And Israel equipped with missiles on submarines to make it capable of strategic counterattack. The United States refused to offer the harmful proposals to Israel in the United Nations over the past few decades. In order to cope with the Israeli military strike, the United States mobilized satellites to improve hit accuracy. In addition, China is also a non-essential role in the Palestine-Israel Conflict. China is on the Palestinian side seemingly, but also did not give up their support for Israel. From fighter planes to agricultural water conservation technologies, the technical exchanges between China and Israel have not been broken, but most of the support for the Palestinians has been verbal, the most China did was sell steel pipes to Palestinians.

Perhaps Israelis are not wrong, and perhaps Arabs are not wrong, too. Is religion wrong? It is not. Although the one-god religion was exclusive, the tolerance spirit of Arabs was respectable in history. Israel had been wandering for two thousand years, and they were still the lonely, clever and miserable businessmen. Now the Middle East has fallen into a vicious cycle. Israel oppressed Palestine, the Palestinians responded with terror attacks; the Palestinian terrorist attacks, Israel responded with greater oppression. Those who do not want peace have their own secrets, and victims were innocent civilians. Revenge and the repeated revenge cycle staged, hatred to escalate, and eventually people will forget what they really need which is “survival and freedom”.

The former US President Jimmy Carter pointed out from one of his books “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid”, that the terrorist attacks (suicide bombings) by Palestinian militant groups, such as Hamas, were reasons for provoking Israel’s retaliation. This often makes the hard-won fragile peace come to naught. At the same time, he has no partiality for the Israel authorities’ settlement policies and the construction of the separating wall, some Israeli politicians abandoning the possibility of peace from a variety of purposes.

The war is a very useful tool if you can’t get what you want by other means. But it has a very terrible property: the war will begin when you want to begin, but it will not end when you want it to end. In order not to take up European territory, Jews moved to Palestine; In order to make room for Jews, Palestinians moved to Syria; Now, Syria refugees are pouring into Europe again. Every debt has its debtor, however, we found this is in complete disorder. There is no hope without tolerance. Whether Israelites or the Palestinians, recognize that reality is before everything. They should use their resources and advantages to develop into super rich countries, so that people can succeed and have a happy life. Only a happy life can make people forget hatred. I have always believed that identity is a fundamental factor that results in violence. However, when will we realize there is only one identity we can identify with — — that is “people”.

Photo by Nicholas Adams from Flickr



Patty Dong

Multimedia Journalist. Book lover & Hobbyist of dance & Traveler. Be my story teller and listener